

How to Do Keyword Research for Affiliate Sites

Most people approach affiliate keyword research all wrong. They look for low competition keywords, write a blog post, then shoehorn in as many affiliate links as possible. This approach tends to be lots of traffic, but no clicks, conversions, or…

How To Add Swap Space on Ubuntu 20.04

This tutorial focuses on how to create swap space on Ubuntu 20.04 using a swap partition or a swap file. For system administrators, it is quite common for servers to run out of RAM. In some cases, you may have…

3 Simple Ways to Build Links With Images

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but when it comes to link building, a picture can quite literally be worth a thousand links. For example, take this simple comic from xkcd: According to Ahrefs’ Site Explorer, it has…

How To Install Grafana on Ubuntu 20.04

This article focuses on installing the latest version of Grafana on an Ubuntu 20.04 server. Recently, Grafana Labs released a brand new version of Grafana : v7.0 This new version featured a whole set of different features : namely a…

CollectiveRay selected for a Premier Web Designer Award

CollectiveRay has been featured in several prestigious web design publications, including SitePoint, CSS-Tricks, WPMUDEV, WebDesignerDepot, WebDesignLedger to name only a few, but the list keeps on growing. Our most recent award has been the selection of our site and services…

What is Technical SEO? 11 Best Practices

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing your website to help search engines like Google find, understand, and index your pages. Although modern search engines like Google are relatively good at discovering and understanding content, they’re far from perfect. Technical issues…

How to Succeed in Enterprise SEO

Enterprise SEO can be defined by the size of the company or website, the complexity of the technology or teams, or by global operations. The goal is to increase visibility for these companies in organic search results. How do you know…