How to Get Email Alerts for SSH Logins (Root & Users)

How to Get Email Alerts for SSH Logins (Root & Users)

The post How to Get Root and User SSH Login Email Alerts first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides .

Whenever we install, configure, and secure Linux servers in a production environment, it’s crucial to keep track of what is happening on the servers and

The post How to Get Root and User SSH Login Email Alerts first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides.

Mutt: Send and Read Emails from Linux Terminal

Mutt: Send and Read Emails from Linux Terminal

The post Mutt – A Command Line Email Client to Send Mails from Terminal first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides .

As a system administrator, there are occasions when we need to send emails to users or others directly from the server. Traditionally, we’ve relied on

The post Mutt – A Command Line Email Client to Send Mails from Terminal first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides.

Embracing the Future: The Transition from SysVinit to Systemd in Linux

Embracing the Future: The Transition from SysVinit to Systemd in Linux

Introduction Linux, the powerhouse behind countless servers and desktops worldwide, relies heavily on an initialization (init) system to bootstrap user space and manage system processes after booting. Traditionally, this role was fulfilled by SysVinit, the standard init system derived from the UNIX System V operating system. However, the evolving complexity and needs of modern computing…

Understanding the Basics of SELinux Policy Management on CentOS

Understanding the Basics of SELinux Policy Management on CentOS

Introduction In the vast ocean of Linux security, SELinux stands as a stalwart guardian, often misunderstood yet crucial for safeguarding systems against potential threats. As administrators and users delve deeper into the realms of CentOS, mastering SELinux policy management becomes imperative for ensuring robust security configurations. This article aims to demystify SELinux policy management on…