How to Speed Up Your WordPress Website in 20 Minutes

How to Speed Up Your WordPress Website in 20 Minutes

Everyone knows that page speed is important. It’s a confirmed Google ranking factor on desktop and mobile, impacts user experience, and can have a direct effect on your bottom line. But slow WordPress websites are a common issue. Here’s the mobile score for a page of mine in PageSpeed Insights. Before optimization. If we run the entire…

What is Structured Data? And Why Should You Implement It?

What is Structured Data? And Why Should You Implement It?

Structured data is a standardized way to provide information about a web page. It helps search engines like Google to better understand what your content is about. But what’s in it for you, and how do you implement it? Let’s get into it! ranking factor. It doesn’t directly help you to rank higher in Google….

What is Technical SEO? 11 Best Practices

What is Technical SEO? 11 Best Practices

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing your website to help search engines like Google find, understand, and index your pages. Although modern search engines like Google are relatively good at discovering and understanding content, they’re far from perfect. Technical issues can easily prevent them from crawling, indexing, and showing web pages in the search results….