What Is Bounce Rate? How to Interpret and Work with It

What Is Bounce Rate? How to Interpret and Work with It

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that take no further action after landing on a webpage, like clicking through to another page, leaving a comment, or adding an item to their cart. It’s a great metric to measure user engagement, but only if you know how to use it. In this article, you’ll learn:…

Voice Search: A No-Nonsense Guide

Voice Search: A No-Nonsense Guide

More people than ever are searching by voice. So it’s no surprise that the question on everyone’s lips is: ‘Hey Google, how do I optimize for voice search?’ It’s a fair question, but is it even possible? In this post, you’ll learn: search engine rather than searching by text. That might sound obvious, but the important…

How to Succeed in Enterprise SEO

How to Succeed in Enterprise SEO

Enterprise SEO can be defined by the size of the company or website, the complexity of the technology or teams, or by global operations. The goal is to increase visibility for these companies in organic search results. How do you know if your company counts as an enterprise? I like to joke that you know it’s…

How to Rank in ‘People Also Ask’ Boxes and If You Should

How to Rank in ‘People Also Ask’ Boxes and If You Should

People also ask (PAA) boxes have been becoming more prevalent over the past few years. In fact, according to Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer, 43% of search queries now show a PAA box: In this guide, we’ll talk about how you can rank in PAA boxes, whether you should even bother, and other ways they can help…